
Pathology laboratory


病理學為臨床醫學的基礎,也是醫學研究中極為重要的一門學問 ! 美無極慕康分子病理診斷實驗中心,臨床服務廣泛涵蓋了細胞蠟塊處理、病理組織切片製作、病理組織切片檢查、冷凍切片檢查、組織化學染色檢查、免疫組織化學染色檢查、直接或間接免疫螢光染色檢查、細胞學檢查、教學研究用病理檢體組織庫……等複雜的研究需求。不論是在人體臨床或動物實驗,或在藥物開發,或健康食品功能性評估上,透過組織病理檢查可以對全身不同的組織器官進行全面性的檢查,進而針對標的組織器官進行細部的分析,藉此瞭解藥物與食品的毒性或功效。


臨床服務除了基礎生化的相關檢驗外,還涵蓋了分子生物學、蛋白質動力學,和基因篩檢的研究需求。可以提供核酸萃取(Nuclear acid extraction)、凝膠電泳(Gel electrophoresis)、RT-PCR、SNP分析(PCR法) 與Primer design and synthsis;Elisa、西方墨點法(Western Blot)、蛋白質提取(Protein extraction) 、抗體代製、peptide合成;一般血液常規、生化檢測及基因檢測……等服務。 ​


提供您的組織 (一般請以10% Formalin 妥善保存與寄送),我們使用密閉式組織處理機 Leica ASP300S,經固定、脫水、澄清、浸潤等步驟完成組織處理,再以最新型的Leica HistoCore Arcadia 組織包埋機,由專業的技師製成品質優良的蠟塊。
使用Leica切片機,德國工藝搭配我們高超的切片技巧,成就完美無瑕的組織切片。玻片使用日本Matsunami專業玻璃製造廠的產品,親水性的材質讓組織不易剝落 !
OCT包埋的組織,在冰凍的狀態下進行切片,保留組織最原始的樣態及抗原性,讓您的實驗有無限可能 !
HE stain 是病理學的基本操作項目,我們每天都認真以待,品管自然不在話下。
Safranin O stain、Masson’s Trichrome stain. PAS、Picro-Sirius Red Stain. Alcian blue stain、Alcian blue – PAS stain. Nissl stain、Toluidine Blue stain …
Immunohistochemistry stain (IHC) 免疫染色是診斷疾病的利器,協助病理醫師鑑別疾病,並提供臨床醫師治療方針! 除了臨床的應用,在研究的領域,藉由抗原、抗體的反應,可以探討目標物在細胞、組織或其他基質(3D列印、仿生物質)上的表現。 我們有豐富的臨床與研究經驗,操作實驗時如同面對病人的檢體,一樣嚴謹、慎重。
專業的螢光染劑,無論冷凍切片或是石蠟切片都可以獲得良好的染色結果,或是你也可以提供想要的螢光二抗,由我們操刀更是事半功倍 !















國健署癌症病理品質提升工作計畫 /


汐止國泰綜合醫院病理科 主治醫師兼主任 (2012~2024)
汐止國泰綜合醫院病理科 主治醫師 (2009~)
國泰綜合醫院病理科 主治醫師 (2007~2009)
基隆長庚醫院病理科 主治醫師 (2005~2007)
國泰綜合醫院病理科 主治醫師 (2004~2005)


長庚大學醫學系醫學士 (1993~2000)
國際細胞學會細胞病理醫師/International Board of
Cytopathology, The International Academy of Cytology


國際細胞學會/The International Academy of Cytology




1. 透過組織陣列上ER/PR/Her2的分子特徵進行乳腺癌預後風險評估 (國泰綜合醫院CGH-P112008 )
2. 細胞週期調節因子和錯配修復蛋白對甲狀腺癌的潛在治療角色:識別預測標誌物應用於精準醫學 (國泰綜合醫院CGH-MR-A110020 )
3.整合甲狀腺癌次類型之病理影像與基因學特徵建立分子亞型診斷模式 (國泰綜合醫院CGH-MR-A10906)
5.建置國家級人體生物資料庫整合平台 (國家衛生研究院、國泰醫療財團法人國泰綜合醫院)


1.Jhuang JY, Liu CY, Tseng MH, Chuang SS. Cytological Features of a Metastatic Angiosarcoma in the Lymph Node Diagnosed via Liquid-Based Cytology. Diagnostics (Basel). 2023 Jun 20;13(12):2124. (SCI IF: 3.6, ranking 63/167 in MEDICINE, GENERAL & INTERNAL)

2.Chen YN, Shih CY, Guo SL, Liu CY, Shen MH, Chang SC, Ku WC, Huang CC, Huang CJ. Potential prognostic and predictive value of UBE2N, IMPDH1, DYNC1LI1 and HRASLS2 in colorectal cancer stool specimens. Biomed Rep. 2023 Feb 7;18(3):22. (SCI IF: 2.3, ranking 128/189 in MEDICINE, RESEARCH & EXPERIMENTAL)

3. Liu CY, Kang NW, Takeuchi K, Chuang SS. Combined Merkel Cell Carcinoma with Nodal Presentation: Report of a Case Diagnosed with Excisional but Not Incisional Biopsy and Literature Review. Diagnostics (Basel). 2023 Jan 26;13(3):449. (SCI IF: 3.6, ranking 63/167 in MEDICINE, GENERAL & INTERNAL)

4. Chang CC, Liu CY, Su IC, Lee YJ, Yeh HJ, Chen WC, Yu CJ, Kao WY, Liu YC, Huang CJ. Functional Plasmon-Activated Water Increases Akkermansia muciniphila Abundance in Gut Microbiota to Ameliorate Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Int J Mol Sci. 2022 Sep 28;23(19):11422. (SCI IF: 5.6, ranking 66/285 in BIOCHEMISTRY & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY)

5. Chang SC, Chiang HH, Liu CY, Li YJ, Lu CL, Lee YP, Huang CJ, Lai CL. Intestinal Mucosal Barrier Improvement with Prebiotics: Histological Evaluation of Longish Glucomannan Hydrolysates-Induced Innate T Lymphocyte Activities in Mice. Nutrients. 2022 May 26;14(11):2220. (SCI IF: 5.9, ranking 17/88 in CATEGORY NUTRITION & DIETETICS)

6. Chen LC, Cheng YP, Liu CY, Guo JW. Lithosepermic Acid Restored the Skin Barrier Functions in the Imiquimod-Induced Psoriasis-like Animal Model. Int J Mol Sci. 2022 May 31;23(11):6172. (SCI IF: 5.6, ranking 66/285 in BIOCHEMISTRY & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY)

7. Shen MH, Huang CJ, Ho TF, Liu CY, Shih YY, Huang CS, Huang CC. Colorectal cancer concurrent gene signature based on coherent patterns between genomic and transcriptional alterations. BMC Cancer. 2022 May 30;22(1):590. (SCI IF: 3.8, ranking 109/241 in ONCOLOGY)

8. Chang CC, Kao WY, Liu CY, Su HH, Kan YA, Lin PY, Ku WC, Chang KW, Yang RN, Huang CJ. Butyrate supplementation regulates expression of chromosome segregation 1‑like protein to reverse the genetic distortion caused by p53 mutations in colorectal cancer. Int J Oncol. 2022 Jun;60(6):64. (SCI IF: 5.2, ranking 72/241 in ONCOLOGY)

9. Liu CY, Chen BJ, Chuang SS. Primary Effusion Lymphoma: A Timely Review on the Association with HIV, HHV8, and EBV. Diagnostics (Basel). 2022 Mar 15;12(3):713. (SCI IF: 3.6, ranking 63/167 in MEDICINE, GENERAL & INTERNAL)

10. Huang CS, Tsai ML, Lu TP, Tu CC, Liu CY, Huang CJ, Ho YS, Tu SH, Chuang EY, Tseng LM, Huang CC. The extended concurrent genes signature for disease-free survival in breast cancer. J Formos Med Assoc. 2022 Oct;121(10):1945-1955. (SCI IF: 3.2, ranking 69/167 in MEDICINE, GENERAL & INTERNAL)

11. Huang CC, Liu CY, Huang CJ, Hsu YC, Lien HH, Wong JU, Tai FC, Ku WH, Hung CF, Lin JT, Huang CS, Chiang HS. Deciphering Genetic Alterations of Taiwanese Patients with Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma through Targeted Sequencing. Int J Mol Sci. 2022 Jan 29;23(3):1579. (SCI IF: 5.6, ranking 66/285 in BIOCHEMISTRY & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY) Co-first author

12. Lee YC, Liu CY, Lee CL, Zhang RH, Huang CJ, Yen TL. The Periodontopathic Pathogen, Porphyromonas gingivalis, Involves a Gut Inflammatory Response and Exacerbates Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Pathogens. 2022 Jan 11;11(1):84. (SCI IF: 3.7, ranking 62/135 in MICROBIOLOGY)

13. Wang YC, Ku WC, Liu CY, Cheng YC, Chien CC, Chang KW, Huang CJ. Supplementation of Probiotic Butyricicoccus pullicaecorum Mediates Anticancer Effect on Bladder Urothelial Cells by Regulating Butyrate-Responsive Molecular Signatures. Diagnostics (Basel). 2021 Dec 4;11(12):2270. (SCI IF: 3.6, ranking 63/167 in MEDICINE, GENERAL & INTERNAL)

14. Liu CY, Huang CS, Huang CC, Ku WC, Shih HY, Huang CJ. Co-Occurrence of Differentiated Thyroid Cancer and Second Primary Malignancy: Correlation with Expression Profiles of Mismatch Repair Protein and Cell Cycle Regulators. Cancers (Basel). 2021 Oct 31;13(21):5486. (SCI IF: 5.2, ranking 72/241 in ONCOLOGY)

15. Liu CY, Lai FJ, Chang ST, Chuang SS. Diagnostic clues for differentiating Merkel cell carcinoma from lymphoma in fine-needle aspiration cytology. Diagn Cytopathol. 2022 Jan;50(1):E23-E27. (SCI IF: 1.3, ranking 22/29 in MEDICAL LABORATORY TECHNOLOGY)

16. Liu CY, Chen CC, Bychkov A, Agarwal S, Zhu Y, Hang JF, Lai CR, Na HY, Park SY, Li W, Liu Z, Jain D, Suzuki A, Hirokawa M, Chia N, Nga ME, Jitpasutham T, Keelawat S, Satoh S, Gunawardena D, Kumarasinghe P, Jung CK, Kakudo K. Constitutive Cytomorphologic Features of Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma Using Different Staining Methods. Diagnostics (Basel). 2021 Aug 2;11(8):1396. (SCI IF: 3.6, ranking 63/167 in MEDICINE, GENERAL & INTERNAL) First and Corresponding author

17. Chen YJ, Huang CS, Phan NN, Lu TP, Liu CY, Huang CJ, Chiu JH, Tseng LM, Huang CC. Molecular subtyping of breast cancer intrinsic taxonomy with oligonucleotide microarray and NanoString nCounter. Biosci Rep. 2021 Aug 27;41(8):BSR20211428. (SCI IF: 4, ranking 119/285 in BIOCHEMISTRY & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY)

18. Huang CS, Liu CY, Lu TP, Huang CJ, Chiu JH, Tseng LM, Huang CC. Targeted Sequencing of Taiwanese Breast Cancer with Risk Stratification by the Concurrent Genes Signature: A Feasibility Study. J Pers Med. 2021 Jun 28;11(7):613. (SCI IF: 3.508, ranking 42/109 in HEALTH CARE SCIENCES & SERVICES)

19. Guo JW, Cheng YP, Liu CY, Thong HY, Lo Y, Wu CY, Jee SH. Magnolol may contribute to barrier function improvement on imiquimod-induced psoriasis-like dermatitis animal model via the downregulation of interleukin-23. Exp Ther Med. 2021 May;21(5):448. (SCI IF: 2.7, ranking 92/136 in MEDICINE, RESEARCH & EXPERIMENTAL)

20. Guo JW, Pu CM, Liu CY, Lo SL, Yen YH. Curcumin-Loaded Self-Microemulsifying Gel for Enhancing Wound Closure. Skin Pharmacol Physiol. 2020;33(6):300-308. (SCI IF: 2.7, ranking 29/70 in DERMATOLOGY)

21. Huang CS, Lu TP, Liu CY, Huang CJ, Chiu JH, Chen YJ, Tseng LM, Huang CC. Residual risk stratification of Taiwanese breast cancers following curative therapies with the extended concurrent genes signature. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2021 Apr;186(2):475-485. (SCI IF: 3.8, ranking 109/241 in ONCOLOGY)

22. Liu CY, Chuang SS. A Simple and Practical Guide for Triaging Lymphocyte-rich Effusions for Ancillary Studies. Adv Anat Pathol. 2021 Mar 1;28(2):94-104. (SCI IF: 6.7, ranking 7/76 in PATHOLOGY)

23. Tsai HT, Huang CS, Tu CC, Liu CY, Huang CJ, Ho YS, Tu SH, Tseng LM, Huang CC. Multi-gene signature of microcalcification and risk prediction among Taiwanese breast cancer. Sci Rep. 2020 Oct 26;10(1):18276. (SCI IF: 4.6, ranking 22/73 in MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES)

24. Chang SC, Shen MH, Liu CY, Pu CM, Hu JM, Huang CJ. A gut butyrate-producing bacterium Butyricicoccus pullicaecorum regulates short-chain fatty acid transporter and receptor to reduce the progression of 1,2-dimethylhydrazine-associated colorectal cancer. Oncol Lett. 2020 Dec;20(6):327. (SCI IF: 2.9, ranking 163/241 in ONCOLOGY)

25. Chen CC, Hang JF, Liu CY, Wang YH, Lai CR. Thyroid fine-needle aspiration cytology in Taiwan: a nationwide survey and literature update. J Pathol Transl Med. 2020 Sep;54(5):361-366. (SCI IF: 2.4, ranking 50/86 in PATHOLOGY)

26. Liu CY, Bychkov A, Agarwal S, Zhu Y, Hang JF, Lai CR, Na HY, Li W, Liu Z, Jain D, Suzuki A, Hirokawa M, Chia N, Nga ME, Jitpasutham T, Keelawat S, Park SY, Satoh S, Chen CC, Gunawardena D, Kumarasinghe P, Jung CK, Kakudo K. Cytologic diagnosis of medullary thyroid carcinoma in the Asia-Pacific region. Diagn Cytopathol. 2021 Jan;49(1):60-69. (SCI IF: 1.3, ranking 22/29 in MEDICAL LABORATORY TECHNOLOGY) First and Corresponding author

27. Lai WA, Liu CY, Lin SY, Chen CC, Hang JF. Characterization of Driver Mutations in Anaplastic Thyroid Carcinoma Identifies RAS and PIK3CA Mutations as Negative Survival Predictors. Cancers (Basel). 2020 Jul 20;12(7):1973. (SCI IF: 5.2, ranking 72/241 in ONCOLOGY)

28. Guo JW, Cheng YP, Liu CY, Thong HY, Huang CJ, Lo Y, Wu CY, Jee SH. Salvianolic Acid B in Microemulsion Formulation Provided Sufficient Hydration for Dry Skin and Ameliorated the Severity of Imiquimod-Induced Psoriasis-Like Dermatitis in Mice. Pharmaceutics. 2020 May 17;12(5):457. (SCI IF: 5.4, ranking 51/277 in PHARMACOLOGY & PHARMACY)

29. Liu CY, Chen BJ, Chuang SS; Taiwan Hematopathology Study Group. Malignant effusions from extranodal NK/T-cell lymphomas are frequently of anaplastic morphology with azurophilic granules and of T-cell lineage. Diagn Cytopathol. 2020 May;48(5):453-463. (SCI IF: 1.3, ranking 22/29 in MEDICAL LABORATORY TECHNOLOGY)

30. Hung CS, Wang YC, Guo JW, Yang RN, Lee CL, Shen MH, Huang CC, Huang CJ, Yang JY, Liu CY. Expression pattern of placenta specific 8 and keratin 20 in different types of gastrointestinal cancer. Mol Med Rep. 2020 Feb;21(2):659-666. (SCI IF: 3.4, ranking 77/136 in MEDICINE, RESEARCH & EXPERIMENTAL) Corresp

中山醫學大學生物化學研究所 理學博士 (2006~2013)
中山醫學大學生物化學研究所 在職碩士生直攻博班 (2003~2006)
中山醫學院醫技科 (1975~1982)
中央研究院基因體研究中心 博士級約聘研究人員 (2006~2013)
中央研究院基因體研究中心 博士後約聘研究人員 (2014~2019)
中央研究院基因體研究中心 陳鈴津撈屍實驗室特殊技能研究助理既博士生 (2005~2014)
國泰綜合醫院院病理科 技術組長 (1999~2004)
國泰綜合醫院院病理科 技術員 (1995~1998)
臺北市立中興醫院實驗診斷科 醫檢師 (1982~1983)

1. Jin-Jin Lin1,6, Chiun-Sheng Huang2, John Yu1, Guo-Shiou, Liao4, Huang-Chun Lien5, Fen-Pi Chou6, Jung-Tung Hung8 ,Ruey-Jen Lin8, Kun-Tu Yeh7, Alice L. Yu1,8*.- “Malignant phyllodes tumors display mesenchymal stem cell features and ALDH/ GD2 identify their tumor stem cells” Breast Cancer Research

2.Jing-Yan Cheng 1, Sheng-Hung Wang 2, Juway Lin 2, Yi-Chien Tsai 2, John Yu 2, Jen-Chine Wu 2, Jung-Tung Hung 2, Jin-Jin Lin 3, Yih-Yiing Wu 4, Kun-Tu Yeh 5, Alice L Yu 6 – “Globo-H ceramide shed from cancer cells triggers translin-associated factor X-dependent angiogenesis” Cancer Res. 2014 Dec 1;74(23):6856-66.

3. Bey-Leei Ling1 , Chun-Tang Chiu1 , Hsiu-Chin Lu2,3, Jin-Jin Lin4 , Chiung-Yin Kuo1 , Fen-Pi Chou1,5* Short and Long-Term Impact of Lipectomy on Expression Profile of Hepatic Anabolic Genes in Rats: A High Fat and High Cholesterol Diet-Induced Obese Model Article in PLOS ONE · September 2014

4.Yi Chien Tsai, Jing Rong Huang, Jing Yan Cheng, Jin Jin Lin, Jung Tung Hung, Yih Yiing Wu, Kun Tu Yeh, Alice L. Yu A prevalent cancer associated Glycan, globo H ceramide, induces immunosuppression by reducing Notch1 signaling. Graduate Institute of Biomedical Sciences

5.Wen-Wei Chang*†, Chien Hsin Lee*†, Peishan Lee*, Juway Lin*‡, Chun-Wei Hsu*, Jung-Tung Hung*, Jin-Jin Lin*,Jyh-Cherng Yu§, Li-en Shao*, John Yu*¶, Chi-Huey Wong*_, and Alice L. Yu. (2008)_ “Expression of Globo H and SSEA3 in breast cancer stem cells and the involvement of fucosyl transferases 1 and 2 in Globo H synthesis ” PNAS USA vol.105 no. 33: 11667–11672.

6.Hui-Mei Lina, Hsien-Chun Tsenga, b, Chau-Jong Wanga, Jin-Jin Linc, Chia-Wen Loa and Fen-Pi Choua.(2007) “Hepatoprotective effects of Solanum nigrum Linn extract against CCl4-iduced oxidative damage in rats” Chem Biol Interact. 2008 Feb 15; 171(3):283-93.

7.Oung, S.C., Wang, C.J., Lin, J.J., Peng, PL, Hsu, J.L., *Chou, F.P. Protection effect of piper betel leaf extract against carbon tetrachloride-induced liver fibrosis in rats. Archive of Toxicology, 2007, 81, 45-55.

博士生參加國際期刊 American Association for Cancer Research (AACR)入選研究人員論文貼文(2010)
參加中山生化所第二屆博士生研究成果比賽第一名 (2007)
國泰醫學中心病理科技術組長第二次獲選為傑出員工 (2002)
國泰醫學中心病理科技術組員獲選為傑出員工 (1997)